Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Asthma Medication

Types of Asthma Medication
Ruling on taking them during the day in Ramadaan

There are many kinds of medication for asthma, some of which break the fast and some do not. The most well known of these medicines and treatments are puffers, oxygen, vaporizers and capsules.

Puffer :

The puffer uses a compressed gas that is used by the patient, which reaches the lungs via the trachea to expand the lungs. It is not food or drink or anything resembling them. The scholars of the Standing Committee have ruled that the fast is NOT broken by using this kind of medicine. This is also the ruling of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen and most of our scholars.

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said:

This puffer evaporates and does not reach the stomach, so in this case we say that there is nothing wrong with using this puffer when you are fasting, and you do not break your fast by doing that.

The scholars of the Standing Committee said:

The asthma medication that the patient uses by inhaling it reaches the lungs via the trachea and does not reach the stomach, so it is not food or drink or anything of the sort… So it seems that the fast is not broken by using this medicine.

Fataawa Islamiyyah, 1/130

Oxygen :

With regard to oxygen, it too is neither food nor drink. Based on this, it may be used when fasting with no problems.

Vaporizers :

With regard to vaporizers, these are usually devices which change the medicine – which is usually carried in a sodium base – from liquid to gas and fine particles. The medicine is placed in a small vessel and when the device is activated, air is blown at high speed which causes the medicine to turn into a gaseous form, so it can be inhaled by the patient either via a mask that is placed over the mouth, or by means of a small tube that is placed inside the mouth.
It is inevitable that some drops of water and salt will reach the stomach via this device, and the patient will not be able to avoid that. Based on this, if he uses this method, he should break his fast and he should make up that day later on.

Capsules :

Capsules contain the medicine in the form of a fine powder. These capsules are placed inside a special device which crushes the capsules in order to release the medicine, which is inhaled from the device via the mouth. Using these capsules invalidates the fast, because some of this powder mixes with the saliva and goes down into the stomach.

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